
Making funny cards

There are not too many things that beat the feeling of getting a unique mail. Handmade cards are quite remarkable and personal. The good news about such cards is that they aren’t too difficult to make if you know what to do. Keep reading as we show you six unique tips that can help you out in this regard.

  • Clear stamps

Although clear stamps have been around for a while, why many people don’t use them remains a mystery. One unique thing about clear stamps is that they take up less space and are often relatively easy to store. However, clear stamps are used with clear stamp blocks, making it increasingly easier to create the ideal layout. Additionally, you can create custom stamps by simply combining small stamps.

  • Distressing paper edges

One of the most common tricks craft makers uses connecting the edges and sides of the cut paper. In a situation where you cut paper, you will find a white core, and by simply darkening the edge using ink, the project will look better. Several people use the ink to come in on the paper shape edge, which helps give the paper a unique effect.

  • Quality

When dealing with paper crafts, note that better quality usually translates to better output. Premium quality envelope packs and cards will go a long way in simplifying the process. Also, your choice of ink pad plays a massive role in the entire process. Quality must never be compromised for price or quantity.

  • Tape runners

Tape runners are a unique innovation when dealing with papercrafts. They are pretty easier and cleaner to use and often hold better than the other ways. One major disadvantage of this is that they are pretty tricky to use, especially with cut-outs.

  • Crafting backgrounds using ink pads

You can easily create inked backgrounds using any of the best ink pads out there. A hybrid mix of dye and pigment formula will help you create a unique, seamlessly blended inked paper when applying it using blended foam. Such inked papers may be used for creating the perfect backgrounds. When using these unique ink pads, there are several techniques, such as water coloring, stamping, and others.

  • Activate your imagination

The beauty of arts and crafts is that it allows you to explore the creative genius in you. Have a fair idea of what you desire to create and your target audience or market. While doing this, take into consideration the materials you will use and what they will cost.

Last line

There you have it! Making cards shouldn’t be too difficult if you know what you want to get from it. Anyone can make cards with suitable materials and guides, which is why this guide is timely!