

Are you right or left brain? Are you creative or analytical? I believe I am both, however I tend to be more creative which experts describe as right brained. I am going to share with you a bit more of my creative side. I love to paint! I take so many pictures of “GOD’s landscape” on a daily basis, there truly isn’t enough time to paint all that I see. Oddly enough since I have been painting, everything around me I notice, is in so much more detail and I enjoy it on a deeper level. When something catches my attention, I smile and thank GOD for the opportunity to enjoy his beautiful work. A little over a year ago, I started to explore painting again. When I was much younger, I had a sketchbook and sketched out everything, shapes and shading and angles really fascinated me. I loved to paint with watercolors, boats and oceanic seascapes of beautiful turquois and white waves were commonly finished. I remember when I was younger, my mom would watch on TV a famous oil painter, the host of “The Joy of Painting”, you might have heard of him. I had started to watch his series and was fascinated at just how easy he made it look. All of this man’s paintings are so amazingly beautiful. I picked up his techniques on brush strokes, mixing paints to achieve the perfect colors, the illusions of depth etc. I may have watched at least 4-5 seasons before I picked up the brush. I went to my local arts & hobby store, a place where I can spend countless hours at, and purchased a variety of canvass sizes in both black and white and a set of tubed acrylic paint, a variety of brushes and a small bottle of slow drying blending medium. I set up my work space in my living room, draping drop cloths over my coffee table. At first, I would follow along and paint as he painted and as time went on, I actually got better at the different aspects of painting. I then explored other painters on YouTube and their techniques. I eventually ventured out on my own and explored my own creativity. Many of my paintings I give away to friends and followers, however I also now do commission paintings. I explored all sorts of paintings, recently discovered the world of pour painting. Oh my, so many different techniques from Dutch pour, dirty pour, flip cup pour and then you can also add swiping. I completed a few of this type of paintings, I really like the abstract of it. I enjoy using all my favorite colors such as the bright yellow and reds and the contrasts colors of purple and green. I mix my acrylic paints in small solo cups with silicon acid, I can use a product called Floetrol to help with the consistency, but I make my own using Elmer’s glue and water. I had to experiment with portions before I got it right. I think I settled on 60/40 or 70/30 water to glue. I paint my canvass whatever color I wish for the background and use a blow dryer on low to help it dry fast. I pick a color pour onto my canvas sometimes random and other times in a pattern across the canvass, I take another color and pour over that and on down the line with all the mixed colors. Now I can either, use my blow dryer to spread the paint out over my canvass or pick it up and tilt it to cover the whole or partial space. I use a small blow torch to pop any bubbles that may be present and I may use a straw or my finger to create small enhancements to the edges. Each painting is unique and equally beautiful. I challenge you to explore your creative side, now go have fun!