

Nov 21, 2021

Moments across time…

Do you ever just day dream? What is it that brings us back to the simple times in our life? Is it precious time spent with love ones? Is it the experience of happier times of those priceless days spent with people who influence us or at the very least leave an imprint, etched in our memories forever? Do you regret not taking those precious moment’s more serious when your loved ones are no longer here with us in the physical sense or do you think we are blessed to have those moments in time? I have no regrets, as they say “It is what it is”.


Today I had the pleasure helping my son make his favorite meal. Although I was tired and relaxing from the 90 hour work week, I did get up and we did make an outstanding pan of Firehouse Mac ‘n cheese, gourmet style of course, together. I think back when he was a knee high grasshopper around 3ish, how he enjoyed helping me in the kitchen and in the next moment I was thinking when I was helping my mother in the kitchen baking homemade blackberry or apple pies or fresh baked bread. Ahhh, the smell that came out of my mothers’ kitchen was amazing. The sweet smell of vanilla, the aromas of deep dark chocolate in cookies or brownies. I truly miss those moments in time. I guess I’m making memories for my kiddos now. I appreciate any time spent with them, whether it’s them kicking my butt at video games or goofing off in the kitchen, I enjoy time spent with them. I know that life can get real busy at times and I am not always available and my adult kiddo’s lives are the same, but when we do take the time to send a text message to say “I’m thinking about you” or stop by just to chat, that means the world to me.

I wish my momma and pops were still here enjoying the same moments I enjoy. Yes, they are always with me in my heart and memories and sometimes they visit me in my dreams, but not physically here as to where I can hold them in a long hug saddens me. Many of my readers may or may not yet understand or comprehend the plethora of feelings one experiences when your parental units are no longer here, for myself, the holidays are not the same, special moments like getting your dream job or kids graduating high school or college, marriage, babies, whatever the occasion I do miss my parental units. So, if you are lucky enough to still have your loved ones, whoever it may be, break bread and make that special meal! Get your butt kicked at video or board games. Get involved with them, engage in whatever makes them happy! Share a story of days gone by, enjoy a hot chocolate, just share your time because you are making moments in time!