

February 21st, 2022, Greetings, and salutations!

Whether or not you celebrate Valentine’s Day, it has come about through many different perspectives but all leading back to love and affection. Many celebrate with flowers and chocolates, diamond jewelry, and eating out at fancy restaurants. I for one believe we should always show our loved ones how special they are in our daily lives. I put post-it notes in my kids’ lunches and on my husband’s steering wheel or the bathroom mirror and sometimes all over the house. I like to buy fresh flowers at least once a week and prepare a new dish for the family. How do you express affection for your loved ones? Do you go all out on just 1 day or express your affections daily?

Early in the world’s history, Pope Gelasius declared Feb 14th as a day of feasts to celebrate Saint Valentine. The stories of St. Valentine reveal he was a Roman Priest who suffered greatly during the persecution of Christians. According to legend, he signed a letter to his jailer’s daughter whom he befriended, “from your Valentine”. Saint Valentine was said to also secretly marry couples to save husbands from war. Saint Valentine showed love to all and suffered martyrdom.

Before St. Valentine’s time, there are suggestions that the holiday has origins from a Roman festival celebrating the coming of spring and fertility. Birds would mate and spring would be close.

February in Latin is februa, which means “to cleanse”. The month was named after the Roman Februalia, which is a month-long festival of purification and atonement that took place this time of year.

February is the only month with less than 30 days! It usually has 28 days but in leap years, every 4 years it has 29 days. Did you know that January and February were the last 2 months added to the Roman calendar? In 450 BC they moved to the first 2 months of the year.

February is also known for Black history, Chinese New Year, Ground Hogs Day, Abraham’s birthday, Presidents Day as well as several other Holidays.

On average, February is usually the snowiest month in the United States according to the National Weather Service. The full moon in February is known as the “Snow Moon” for the same reason.

February is also the month the Superbowl is scheduled. Are you a fan of the Superbowl? What incredibly delicious snacks do you prepare for this gathering? We usually have quite the spread, everything from cheese/meat trays to dips and sauces, pinwheel sandwiches to dipped chocolate pretzels. We always create the most eye-pleasing veggie trays. I for one love to entertain and create. I spend the whole previous day at any gathering just preparing for the event. Is that crazy? Perhaps…

My favorite dip is the 7-layer taco dip, but you must have strong corn chips and not wimpy regular chips to accompany.

What you need:

1 can refried beans, 1 lb. cooked ground beef with taco seasonings, 1 medium jar salsa, 1 lb. shredded cheddar cheese, 1 cup sour cream, chopped tomato, peppers, lettuce, and black olives. Layer in 9×13 container starting with the beans, beef, salsa, and cheese bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes, cool and spread sour cream, and top with the remaining ingredients. Top with more shredded cheese and serve with tortilla chips.