Author: jodiscreativecor


February’s Magic

February 21st, 2022, Greetings, and salutations! Whether or not you celebrate Valentine’s Day, it has come about through many different perspectives but all leading back to love and affection. Many celebrate with flowers and chocolates, diamond jewelry, and eating out at fancy restaurants. I for...
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Hello and salutations! Today’s story begins on a very chilly and crisp frosty, almost wintry morning. This day started like any other day by walking my dog, my cute little black and tan chihuahua, named Peter Parker, this little guy walks me. Often, these walks set the mood for the day and tell me...
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Greetings and salutations! Have you had the opportunity to enjoy the peacefulness of working on puzzles? How do you plan it out? Do you collect all the outside pieces and connect them before tackling the inside? Do you group all the same colors together and work from there? Do you look at the...
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Right Brain Activities:

Are you right or left brain? Are you creative or analytical? I believe I am both, however I tend to be more creative which experts describe as right brained. I am going to share with you a bit more of my creative side. I love to paint! I take so many pictures of “GOD’s landscape” […]
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Holidays And Giving Back

Greetings and salutations! December, the month where Christians celebrate Christmas and Jewish celebrate Hanukkah. Kwanzaa is a secular celebration of African-American heritage and Boxing Day is celebrated by Canadians as well as other countries. Do you celebrate any of these or some other Holiday?...
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