
Beautiful young lady at the delicate process of ancient craft in art studio

Art and craft are two different forms of creativity that many people have commonly misinterpreted. This article seeks to explain the difference between these two subjects. Let’s begin.

What Is Craft?

Crafting is an old practice that has existed for thousands of years. They’re handmade objects that require human skill, patience, and everything in between. Today, It has become a popular hobby for many people (of different age groups).

Now, crafting is not meant for a selected few. If you’re willing to learn, the craftsmanship will be one of the best ways to explore your creativity.

For craft, the items are not only attractive but may also be helpful. They’re mostly made from natural raw materials. Each design depends on the choice of the craft artist. For example, the craft artist may work with wood to create furniture, birdhouses, or woven baskets.

Materials like textiles or fibers can create handcrafted goods like handbags, clothing, and material blankets. Others may include candles, soap jewelry, and ceramic dishes.

Overall, a craft is something you could make with your hands. However, it may not necessarily pass your point of view. It mainly involves the craft artist making something that is functional.

What Is Art?

Art, on the other hand, has been an integral part of our lives. From the days of cave dwellers till now, art has been one of the ways we have expressed our imaginations. Unlike craft that comes from the mind, art comes from the heart.

It’s one of the most exciting things in this world. It goes beyond words and somehow captures something “eternal and universal.” It’s one of the reasons why art communicates to us at a profound level.

It could be referred to as an unstructured and boundless form of work that comes from how we feel and what we see. Although it’s not seen as a means of survival (physically), humans can use it for aesthetic purposes.

Overall, you can say that it’s a way of looking at things from a different angle. Similar to craft in terms of usage, art is more than just a pretty picture. It’s a justified concept. It has a reason for what it does or says.

We can often examine art through its principles, including balance, harmony, unity, contrast, pattern, and proportion. We can also explore it through its elements such as color, line, form, shape, space, and value.

The Fundamental Difference Between Art And Craft

Art and craft are different, but they are not mutually exclusive. Both parties may be entertaining, uplifting, educational, or intellectual. It’s a common ground. However, these are the main differences:

Art comes with a presence that you can’t ignore (it grabs your attention). Has these qualities but at a lesser degree
Messages from art can be interpreted differently by many people. Has these qualities but at a lesser degree
Produces unique items that are impossible to replicate. These items can be replicated.
Largely spontaneous. Carefully planned
Aesthetic Functional


Indeed there’s a thin line between art and craft but, they are not the same thing. Craft can be known for its functions. Art, on the other hand, applies to objects that go beyond their normal functions.

It may be aesthetic, emotional, or functional. Craft can be considered a piece of art if it has an additional value beyond its normal function.