

Hello and salutations!

Today’s story begins on a very chilly and crisp frosty, almost wintry morning. This day started like any other day by walking my dog, my cute little black and tan chihuahua, named Peter Parker, this little guy walks me. Often, these walks set the mood for the day and tell me how to dress. You see, I choose not to watch television or have apps on my phone that tell me the weather. Yes, it may sound crazy or irresponsible, but it is what it is. After our morning walk, I proceeded with our morning routine and as I was leaving for the day, I snatched my blue hoodie with furry fuzziness inside. I scurried down the three flights of stairs and out to the parking lot. I plugged my key in and started it up to warm up my car, as I waited, I scraped my windows and then sat back into the warmed seat. Yep, I was lucky enough to have heated seats. This process took a bit longer than I anticipated and I was feeling like I was going to be late to work. Do you ever get a gut feeling, about what is about to happen, some may refer to it as intuition? Well, that gut feeling was spot on but not because I spent too much time scraping frost or warming up my vehicle, no it was a life changing experience. Our apartments are located on a terribly busy, main thorough way, state highway and it is quite difficult and dangerous exiting the parking lot. Today, I drove slowly to the east parking lot facing the super bright orange, beautiful sunrise. As I slowly drove to the east exit, I noticed a lady laying down by a tree with no outer wear on. I thought it was odd, and then I notice she was shaking, as I was passing her, I rolled down my window to ask if she was ok. This lady was clearly not ok. I parked my vehicle right there and got out to help her. She was having some sort of seizure. I did not know what to do, so I called 911 and as we waited, I took off my outer hoodie and covered her up. I talked to her, I let her know what was happening and that she would be ok. The next several minutes before the firetruck and ambulance arrived seemed like an eternity. I kept comforting her. As I write this, I can feel how I felt that morning, a whirlwind of emotions came over me, but I knew some entity up above was looking out for this woman and me. I heard the sirens in the distance, and I knew they would arrive soon. I again assured the woman help was on the way and to hang in there. I stroked her back, trying to comfort her any way I could. The professionals arrived on scene and took over. Several weeks passed and I did not know what happened to this woman. I stopped by the office to ask if they knew this family, and how this woman was doing. The family had left this beautiful Lilly of the valley plant and a lovely thank you card for me. The family was grateful I stopped to help. I was humbled. I thought to myself, would not anyone do the same. I still have this plant and it is blooming beautiful flowers every spring.